Senior Exercises
Author Brandon J Rosenberg teaches senior exercises for healthy, active seniors who are looking to improve and maintain their energy and flexibility.
Basic Four
Our first exercise is the chair twist. Sit on the edge of a chair, fold your arms across your chest, twist left, count 25 reps, pause for 10 seconds, repeat for right side. Start with 25 reps and build up to 100 reps on each side.
Our second exercise is the touchdown signal using a broomstick. Hold the broomstick over your head, each hand grasping the end of the stick. You’ll feel the tension from the back shoulder muscles relaxing. Count out to 100 seconds and build up to 200 seconds.
Our third exercise is leg stretches. Using a sturdy table, kitchen counter, or pool table, place your hands face down on the table’s edge and stretch your left leg back as far as you can stretch it. Start out with 75 seconds and build up to 150 seconds. Repeat the process for the right leg.
Our fourth and final exercise is the leg lift. Using the same table, place your hands face down on the edge, and lift your left leg up to the top of the table or higher. Repeat for the right leg. Start with 15 reps and build up to 30 reps for each leg.
Do the above basic 4 every day.
Advanced Exercises
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday:
- Basic four plus 25 sit-ups on the balance ball
- And 15 sit ups on the slant board.
- Plus Monday 5 reps of the tummy tuck.
- Plus Tuesday 12 reps on the wheel.
- Plus Thursday 10 curls each hand 5,10, or 15 lb weight.. (You may need to start out with the 5 lb. weight and build up to the 10 lb. or 15 lb. weight. Which is okay, no problem!
- Plus Friday 5 to 15 pushups.
- Plus Saturday, dumbbell arm raise 3 reps each hand three times with 5, 10, or 15lb weight.